Saturday, September 20, 2008

Batman Poster

I recently bought a poster for the Dark Knight movie to hang in my bedroom. It is the one with the joker behind a frosted piece of glass with "Why so serious?" written in blood on it. I bought this poster because it portrayed the feeling of the film more accurately than other posters with Christian Bale on it, ex. However, sometimes at night it genuinely scares me. My roommate expressed her discomfort the poster caused her and said it may give her difficulty sleeping. I told her I'd take it down if that was the case. I haven't taken it down yet, but it definitely casts a shadow on the mood of my room and I may soon have to relocate it somewhere else. We'll see.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Miss Pettigrew

Last week I saw Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. It was really interesting. It took place all in one day and was about "social secretary" for a wealthy, boy-crazy young woman in London. All things considered, I really liked it.

My favorite part would have to be when Delysia, Amy Adams' character, sings "If I didn't Care" while her true love, Michael, plays the piano. The way it was shot and acted and edited made it VERY powerful. It has been a while since I have been so captivated by any form of media. I would likely use this clip in a teaching situation to show students the captivating power of cinema, or possibly as an example of expert acting/cinematography. It was just beautiful.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Post

Hello. This is my blog.